
Towards meeting its objective, the NICET Society has so far established the following institutions in order to provide dedicated and specialized services in the respective areas.

• Centre for Civil Services (CCS)
• National Institute of Professional Studies and Research (NIPSAR)

Centre for Civil Services (

CCS was setup with an objective to provide world class training facilities for the aspirants of State & Central Civil Service Examinations and marching forward with the pride for its contribution to the Nation.

At CCS, the candidates are not just trained, they will be groomed effectively knowledgeable by providing all the necessary inputs under the guidance of experts in view of the highly competitive CS exam. The periodical internal assessment tests, mock interview sessions, group discussions etc., will surely make the candidates fit for the Civil Services perfectly.

India has the larger number of reputed Management Institutions. The budding managers who opt for courses in management faculty are being groomed in these institutions in such a manner that they get the red-carpet welcome into the Indian and International corporate business world as soon as they finish their education. Since they are professionally trained in various aspects from soft skills to the hardcore business negotiations, besides the management subjects, they become successful managers within a short span in their career.

When it comes to the case of any other graduates or post graduates who intend to become Civil Servants, the biggest hurdle is to get through the recruitment test. The recruitment test consists of two levels of written examinations followed by an oral interview is extremely challenging and tough compared to getting into corporate world.

This attempt requires tremendous effort under professional guidance, in terms of gaining knowledge as well as in presenting it efficiently and confidently in a professional manner.

The NICET Society feels the concern about the pivotal role played by the civil servants for the development of our country and the need for encouraging and developing youth to grab the opportunity to become a civil servant by providing the required training through it’s establishment Centre for Civil Services.

At CCS, the candidates will be provided professional guidance which will mould them enough competent to face the Civil Services Examination at different stages and to take-up a challenging role in administering the world’s largest developing country.

National Institute of Professional Studies and Research (NIPSAR)

NIPSAR aims at creating and disseminating knowledge and skills among the students, working executives and the professionals from a wide range of domains, through uniquely developed training and development programs.

These training programs offered by NIPSAR are well researched and contemporary in nature that obviously make the future leaders stand forefront in the highly dynamic and competitive business environment. NIPSAR is backed up with a high potential talent pool which consists of cream of experts from industry as well as from academia.

NIPSAR offers uniquely developed training programs broadly in two categories viz., Academic and Corporate training programs.

NIPSAR - Training Programs

NIPSAR's focus is on the gap that exists between the industry requirements and the young talent available across various management and technical domains. It attempts to bridge the gap by providing professional training programs with quality and contemporary inputs which transforms the talent into potential and dependable resources.

NIPSAR offers following training programs to the respective category of audience

Academic Training

• Student Development Programs (SDP)
• Faculty Development Programs (FDP)

Corporate Training

• Executive Development Programs (EDP)
• Management Training Programs (MDP)

The Society is highly focused on meeting its objectives under the guidelines of a strong managing committee and a high potential advisory committee.